
GUARDIANS OF DREAMS II : The Never-Ending Adventure – Ebook english version

The digital version of Guardians of Dreams – Memoires of Traveling Family is available in color PDF format and in EPUB format for reading devices.

Original price was: $11,000.00.Current price is: $9,248.00.


GUARDIANS OF DREAMS II : The Never-Ending Adventure

There are dreams that people considered unattainable, but what seemedimpossible did not stop us, and we kept travelling around the world.

We took five more journeys through Asia, Africa and Oceania. We had fivedeeply moving adventures together as a family, ranging in age fromteenagers to fifty something. Now that the kids have left their childhoodbehind, roles have changed, which has enriched our experiences even more.

The context has also been changing. The world moves at an incrediblespeed. Technology and ancestral cultures meet and live together.Everything has its positive side-and a not so positive one as well. Learningbecomes profound, challenging and, sometimes, hard. Reality accentuatesdifferences that shouldn’t exist. We learn from everything. The pure beautyof some distant places highlights the contrasts, and reminds us that wecan live happily without such a materialistic fuss around us.

Getting deep into Borneo’s forests. Looking for the Komodo dragon on itsisland. Living as part of a community in Papua New Guinea. Riding a camelinto the Sahara. Getting stuck in an African road. Watching the sunsetamong the baobabs in Madagascar. Dancing with a lost tribe in the SouthPacific. Walking along the edge of an active volcano. Sleeping in an ancientmonastery in the mountains of former Burma. Visiting the colourfulPhilippines… Those were some of our many experiences in this life changingride that has been going on for 25 years.

I cannot say it’s the end, because life is an adventure that poses continuingchallenges as part of natural evolution. What I can assure you is that,together or on our own, we will keep dreaming, and that making dreamscome true is up to ourselves.

Everyone is the Guardian of their own dreams.